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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Photoshoot gone Bad...

This week I had it all planned out. I was going to take my kids to a picnic and feed the ducks and in the meantime of all the fun and snacks we would snap a few pictures of them. I even borrowed a wagon from my neighboors and was ready to go. The kids were so excited to go to the park and see the ducks, they love to visit the ducks. We had our Picnic and everything was to be going just great. It was quiet out there and windy, so made the evening nice. I got my camera out and all of my things ready to take some pictures of my little beauties. I took a few and then it all turned real bad. Zane fell down, so I asked Haylen to help him up, then he started screaming and I ran over to him and he started looking different and acting different. So, I layed a blanket down and told him we could have a Popsicle and cool off.

Then a parents worst nightmare, Zane started turning all red and his face turned white and he became very puffy and short of breathe. I threw all my belongings into my wagon and darted off to get to my truck. The girls were trailing behind me and I am pretty much yelling at zane to keep him alert, as he was getting worse by the second. I called 911 and they tried to calm me down and came out there in about 5 minutes. He cooled off and they took care of him right there in the park. I was able to load my things up and was able to take him home with immediate care of meds and rest. He looked so miserable. I was terrified. Come to find out he must have stepped in a fire ant bed and has about over hundred bites on legs and arms. He is ok now, Thank God!

So, this little Fourth of July photoshoot will be finished another day, as for now I got about three photos of them, but hopefully there will be a part 2 coming with some more:)! I hope this does not happen again. We will be staying away from ants and I will have to carry Benadryl with me now. As I will probably be real scared about anything that will happen to my babies. Always watch out for ants. Eek....

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Sweetest Family

Last year when we moved to college station, we of course went to the kids favorite place,Chick-fil-a. Kids were so excited and I still felt out of place in a new town even though I lived here my college years. We went to the play place after we ate and ran into the sweetest family. We talked and come to find out we have kids all the same age and the same amount of kids and just hit it off pretty well. Rachael is about the most sweetest lady I have ever met and such a great mother to her children and great wife to her husband. She has become a very good friend of mine and I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to take some family pictures of her family.

We went to a park that is open and let them be kids with few poses here and there.  We got some of the entire family and you never think she is nine months pregnant, looks amazing!! I captured some cute ones of kiddos just being kids and playing with bubbles and in the flowers of course. After we took some shots I rewarded the children with some massive lollipops, I think they liked them very much! I am loving capturing pictures for people,and I thank all who let me practice with their families! Enjoy the pictures of this precious family!!