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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Little Girl

As a sit back and look how much my life has changed since Miss Haylen Jo entered this world, I can't help but feel joyful on all her accomplishments in just her five years of life. She is so full of life and ready to accept all the challenges that come her way. I am so incredibly grateful to be her mommy. There are days I want to just pull my hair out and quit because of the challenge she gives me, but who  would that make me? She has taught me to be strong and always keep going. She is going to school next week and by the grace of God and help from her grandparents she gets to go to a private Christian school where she will grow even more. I am so proud of her. God gave her some pretty strong qualities that will suit her well and that is what makes her so special. I love her dearly, more than I will ever be able to express. 
She kept telling me she wanted some pictures so I thought what a better way than to get some first time school pictures before she starts next week and our lives get even more busy. She was excited, picked out her dress and told me she wanted her hair down and no braids! Ha! 
Let me tell you a cool story about the chair in this picture; it is a family chair, I can not recall who made this chair, which also has a desk to go with it. But my papa and my mother sat in this chair. It has many many years of use, not that I am calling my mom old or anything. I am sure it has been painted many times and has had many years of little hineys on that chair. Which makes it very special to me and I am sure to many of you who are reading this. Those books I believe, I also got from my Mama Zeke's home after she passed. Those are special too and are very old as well. Everything in my picture has a story to tell. I hope you enjoy these few that I have posted, as it was very hard for me to narrow my 50 pictures down to about 10 that were the favorites. Happy school year to all of you who are off to school. May God be with all of our children as the go into this school year and be a light for all to see! Enjoy:)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Something about the Ranch

We dont have a ranch, but I sure would love too! I love taking pictures outside and especially at a ranch. Country is just beautiful and always makes for some pretty pictures. Something about animals, rustic buildings and cute kids make a picture.
Haylen Jo had horse camp this past week, I probally took over hundred pictures on my phone and camera. She just looked adorable and proud. She was so in love with the horse it was just perfect to capture that love she has on camera. In the meantime of all this cuteness, I was chasing around Rylan and zane, Rylan didnt really want pictures, that's why she wasn't in any. She always gave me some faces when i tried. Haha. Zane is just a cute little
Country boy, that is just so handsome not to take pictures of:). 
I love country, kids and animals and here are a few of my favorites I took of my sweeties. Enjoy!!